Fundamental Training 9th -11th April 2025
Fundamental Training
Join me and start your self mastery ascension journey on this 3 day immersive in-person workshop, held in my personal sacred space, Cheshire.
Anyone can learn to run Transference Healing® to become an empowered self-healer.
Begin your self-healing and self-mastery journey with this step.
With this comprehensive three-day Fundamental Training you will receive a profound and life-changing initiation into the Transference Healing® Diamond Pyramid of Light™ and will be energetically templated and gridded to begin running Transference Healing.
I will be guiding you through an energetic journey. When you commit to this self-healing journey you are taking the first step toward self-mastery.
By working on yourself, you shift the frequency of your body and consciousness,
while also creating change in your reality.
As you learn the fundamental procedures, you will also learn how to channel Transference Healing® frequencies to support divine alchemical healing and ascension. In this training you will learn how to create alchemy in the body, supporting lightbody integration and the ascension of the physical body into the fifth dimensional Adam Kadmon body (our etheric or energy body template, which is better equipped to exist within the new higher frequencies on the planet).
The fundamental procedures are the structural foundation to master as a healer.
Regardless of how many higher levels of Transference Healing training you may attend, you will always run the fundamental procedures, for they create alchemy in the physical body.
Upon completion of this training, you will have the knowledge & tools to run Transference Healing
on friends & family.
To become a certified Transference Healing Practitioner (and run this session on clients),
you must complete the Advanced Training with Alexis, either for the first time, or as a resit.
The self-mastery procedures cover extensive techniques:
Clearing & Protection/White Light Procedure - learning to clear & template a room
Three Polarities of Christ – activating higher/Christ Consciousness in healer & client to connect with the higher self
Centre Inner Mind – bringing the mind into a centred state of consciousness
Severing Karmic Pain – severing karmic emotions, circumstances and genetic wounding
Clearing Earthbound Energy – learning to clear distorted astral energies from the etheric field
Triangular Diamond Doorway – working with Master Etheric Diamond & releasing energy imbalances which restrict self-healing from past, present and future self.
Triangular Star Formation – aligning & balancing the electromagnetic body
Earth and Magnetic Grid Alignment – aligning the etheric body to the Earth’s Ley line grids, or Global Grid Matrix, so the nervous system can heal and the vertebrae and cranial sacral system can adjust to the grid.
Chakras and Gland Procedures – initiating the St Germaine Flame for karmic purification, violet flame & clearing chakras and glandular system
Harmony Alignment Points Procedure – initiating sound and colour into specific meeting points which release energy imbalances from the body, & enhances clairaudient skills
Metaphysical Diamond Procedure – reaches into the depth of the soul's emotional wounding on a vibrational level, the body releases energy density as the emotions evolve & create new levels of enlightenment
Feeling Vortex – releases etheric fibres, projections and 'hooks' that can create depletion in the body
Grief – etherically clears the emotions of grief stored within the body & consciousness at a cellular level
Master Spiritual Plane Diamond – tapping into the Master Template to allow self-mastery through the manifestation of gifts and talents
Mental Pain Release Procedure – working etherically with the central nervous system & brain to clear psychological disorders
Etheric Surgery – clearing etheric energy imbalances & symptoms
Chiron Wounding – works etherically with the chiron point to support clearing the Chiron wounding
Colour Bath – works with the colour spectrum on a vibrational level to purify & clear the body and awaken the consciousness
Alchemy Symbols – 23 symbols which initiate powerful shifts in the body for healing & Lightbody transformation
Animal Magic – Shamanistic healing technique enhances instinctual & intuitive qualities of certain animals into the persons own psyche
Four Planes of Transformation – integrating meeting points with sound, symbols colours & etheric crystals so the body can respond and adjust with the Earth changes
Crystal Cross – integrates a celestial alchemical healing process to support the integration of the Lightbody and aligns you to your Higher Self
Scales of Redemption – releases self judgement, clears vices, re-codes DNA & initiates sense of destiny & purpose
Dragon Power – refines intent, empowers Divine Will & enhances connection to the Masters
Star of David – supports the integration of the Lightbody & activates the Merkabah
Holding Power of Light – useful for holding & sustaining higher levels of Light
Initiation of Rays & Masters – integrating the powerful technology and wisdom of rays of the Universe into appropriate chakras & assisting the person to work with its associated Master
Merkabah – mastery of Lightbody travel and Merlin Magic
Lightbody Essence Kit – learn about the 77 vibrational essences in the Lightbody Kit, how to create therapeutic essences to support each healing.
Inclusions are detailed in the photograph and list below:
A 318-page Fundamental Training Manual.
7 x colour Templates and Healing Record Template.
Lightbody Essence Kit containing 77 monther tincture essences in handmade box.
Lightbody Kit book, including colour images of the Lightbody Kit crystals.
Fundamental/Advanced digital download; audio recording spoken by Alexis.
Fundamental Training certificate of completion.
Your investment £1975​
To hold your space a £975 deposit is required on booking, which is non refundable
Your £1000 balance should be paid no later than 8th March 2025 to ensure your materials arrive in time (payment plans are available). ​​
Before committing there are a couple of important considerations
to factor in.
I require a 50% deposit on making the booking, which I must explain is not refundable - £975.
The reason being, that each kit is energetically assigned to you and cannot be re assigned. So, it's very important that when you step in and commit, that you do so with this knowledge.
If you have received my healings, you will know that there is an energy that starts to run the
moment you book in with me.
This is a core principle within Transference Healing.
As the energy starts to run you will also encounter purifications and initiations, preparing you to receive the higher frequency light energies, which facilitate your higher self to anchor, the awakening of your latent gifts and talents, and your divine soul potential.
It is a big commitment, but as we have discussed, I am here every step of the way to hold a space for you, guide you and continue to mentor and run healings for you, as you grow and expand further.
You will know if you are ready if....
You are ready to take ownership for your ongoing spiritual and healing journey, to shift blocks and to bring into alignment your authentic self within your relationships, and lived reality, empowering you to fulfil your divine soul purpose.
You want to learn self-healing techniques that address unhelpful symptomatic patterning, to unlock and manifest your gifts and talents, embody a higher state of being, and align your reality with your authentic self and spiritual path.
As a guide, I highly recommend that you start to read the Beyond Doorways book as it expands many of the references from key concepts in the summary below, such as Diamond Pyramid of light and the Lightbody, etc.
I also highly recommend that you continue to draw an Animal Magic card regularly (if you have them), as this is a lovely way to start to engage with your own patterning, purification and to start to develop your intuition and divination skills.
You may also find it helpful, if you have it, to display your Chiron template in your home.
You can purchase Animal Magic cards and Chiron templates from me in my shop.
Take your time over the information here, there is likely to be an energy running as you read, so take it in chunks!
As always, please ask me any questions, there is never a silly one!
I love discussions with my clients very much, please send me any questions here, and look forward to our next session!
With my warmest wishes,
Karen ✨

Take the next step and continue to expand your Journey
Further awaken your gifts and talents and connect to your spiritual and soul's destiny with
Advanced and Teacher's Training ​
Live Online Advanced Training 16-17 September 2025
Teacher's Training, 19 September 2025
Online Transference Healing® Advanced & Teacher's Training with the Channel, Anchor & Founder of
Transference Healing® - Alexis Cartwright
Become a ‘certified’ Transference Healing Practitioner, which will enable you to charge for your services & have a listing as a certified Transference Healing Practitioner on the Transference Healing website.
Following Advanced training, you are entitled to attend the Teachers Training.

Advanced Training
This 2-day training works with the lightbody. Gain the knowledge & skill to support yourself, loved ones & clients.
Teacher's Training
This 1-day training supports you to actively participate in the empowerment of others. Become a certified Teacher.
Savings bundles are available, please contact me for more details